Welcome back, Aldridge Families! Here are our updates for the week of 1/8/24
Monday 1/8/24– School Resumes & Staff vs Student Relay Race ( If we have 90% attendance or better on the first day back!)
Wednesday 1/10/24 – Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting @4:00pm
Friday. 1/12/24 – Quarter 2 Report Cards Distributed
Monday, 1/15/24 – No School – Martin Luther King Holiday
STAFF VS STUDENT Obstacle Course Race
We will have a Staff vs Student Obstacle Course Race on Monday, January 8th, if we have 90% attendance or better at Aldridge on the first day back! Attendance is extremely important and we are doing everything possible to make school an awesome learning space and engaging! Check out our last Staff Vs Student Relay race event. Students won that time, but they won’t win this time!!!! https://youtu.be/PrZiyXtKjgk?feature=shared